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Frequently Ask Questions

What does NeuroLAT train?

School teachers impart knowledge through content-based learning. NeuroLAT trains multiple learning abilities to help students faster and process academic contents much better and faster, to perform more effortlessly in their academic life.


A simple analogy would be in the case of an NBA basketballer. The basketball is the content. The slam dunk is the goal. The skills to achieve the slam dunk is the learning abilities NeuroLAT trains.

How does NeuroLAT work?

There are 45 to 180 questions in each lesson, tailor-made for each student’s attempts over 6 months to 1 year, according to their cognitive age’s required learning abilities, Questions are customized for age 3 and above. Each child can attempt up to 3 lessons daily through both visual and audio learning. They can also log in and out more than 1 time to complete each lesson, enabling them to practice during the free time slots of their study timetable.

The artificial intelligence (A.I.) powered online cognitive program will generate the questions for each learning ability and train the child until they succeeded in reaching the level of difficulty appropriate for their age and beyond. The child would have to accurately answer the questions in order to progress up the levels of difficulty and complexity, based on their individual’s competency in each sub-level.

As the child is being trained, the A.I. will assess the strengths and weaknesses relating to the child’s range of learning abilities and generate 3 comprehensive reports, for the parents to review the students’ performance.

Why is NeuroLAT different from other cognitive training in the market?

NeuroLAT is the world’s first and only cognitive training program, powered by artificial intelligence, individually customised for each child. This on-demand flexibility enables a child to resume the lessons anytime, anywhere, as long as there is Internet access on the laptop, iPad or Tablet. Your child can also split the lessons into 2 or 3 segments in a day to fit into his/her time table, doing it in the comfort of the home.

The NeuroLAT system will monitor the child’s progress and up the level of difficulty and number of questions accordingly, so the improvement can be accelerated with regular and consistent practice.

Such an A.I. home-based online program saves parents and the child’s traveling time, energies and money, and yet enjoying a highly effective and results-proven brain training.

How it is customized for each student?

There are 2 types of programs for every age to meet the needs of your children, namely:

1) Standard Program with MindAnalysis for Students in Normal Mainstream and Special Needs

2) Therapy Interventionist Program for Students with Special Needs and IQ 120 and above

Each NeuroLAT program can only train 1 student for the duration of the 6 or 12 month to ensure consistency of the individualised progress and accuracy of diagnostic reports generated. The pace of progress is unique to every child on this program.

How do I monitor the progress of my child?

There are lessons scores and time taken for each lesson which you can view at the end of each lesson. 

The 3 new lessons will be generated daily at 8am, Singapore time.

After each of the first 60-90 lessons every 93 days cycle (approximately 3 months), you will get to receive each of the 3 sets of diagnosis reports to review your child’s progress.

What are the scientific reports generated by NeuroLAT?

4 comprehensive diagnostic or analysis reports are embedded in NeuroLAT, after the completion of each of the 1st set of 90 lessons.

1) Learning abilities diagnostic report

2) Preferred learning styles report

3) Suitable vocational analysis report

4) Compiled summary of the learning abilities progress and 4th progress report

Using its proprietary MindAnalysis algorithm, it allows parents to track the child’s progress with a complete and comprehensive report on the child’s learning abilities. The report will identify the student’s strengths, areas of improvements, and suggestions on how to create the optimal learning environment for the child.

Completion, extension and renewal of the program is advised based on the aptitude and progress of each student on the NeuroLAT program. Students can opt for extension if they display higher potential to achieve further peak performance after 6, 9 or 12 months.

Can I choose to extend or renew the program for my child?

Completion, extension and renewal of the program is advised based on the aptitude and progress of each student on the NeuroLAT program. Students can opt for extension if they display higher potential to achieve further peak performance after 6, 9 or 12 months.

The pace of progression to gifted level on the program is dependent on the child’s own aptitude and learning abilities.

How long does my child need to go on the lesson?

This program only requires approximately 30-45 minutes per lesson at least once a day, on a laptop, iPad or Tablet with internet connectivity anytime, anywhere.

NeuroLAT caps the maximum usage at 3 lessons a day so the brain, is not exhausted or overly stretched with the cognitive training.

How fast can I start seeing results on my child?

Evidence of improvement is usually shown after 90 daily lessons are completed consistently, provided no medical conditions and/or psychological issues impedes his/her learning.

If your child completes at least one lesson (approximately 30 mins or more) daily, the results will gradually be evident, over the months of practice.

If my child skip lessons for a few days, would it affect his/her learning?

It is highly encouraged for your child to do the lessons at least once a day.

If your child skips for one to a few days, the artificial intelligence system would still be able to adjust accordingly to your child’s cognitive level when they are back on the NeuroLAT, and continue with your child’s progress. However, this may delay his/her progress slightly to a certain extent.

How young can my child go on the program?

Children from age 3 and above can utilise the benefits of NeuroLAT.

Youths, working adults and the seniors can be on this program to increase their overall learning abilities and brain power, mental sharpness and heighten their memory.

What languages are NeuroLAT available in?

NeuroLAT is available in English, Mandarin (Simplified, Traditional), Bahasa Indonesian versions.

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